
Despite all the unfinished projects that must get done, I felt the sudden need to improvise a bit and stitch a cute quick pattern from one of my newest Japanese embroidery books.

This hedgehog was irresistible and couldn't tell my self "no" or "later". Interestingly, this small project gave me the little nudge I needed to make a bit of progress on my current projects.  

Perhaps breaking the routine by working on this unplanned tiny project was exactly what I needed to keep going. As you can see above, two of the twelve stitcheries from the second group of patterns got done, plus the last one of the first group is currently in the process of being hand pieced. It may not seem much for some, but for me is a total success! 

PSA: The Oh Joy! First Aid Bag from Target is perfect for keeping needlework projects ;-)! After purchasing 3 inexpensive first aid items that I normally buy and needed the case was free. Can't beat that... LOL. The one from last year is still going strong, the one for this year is cuter. Sorry for sounding like an infomercial, just thought that some of you may like to know ;-).

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