UPDATE: Countdown... 2... and Bunny Added ;-).

(Fri. 29th Update: Bunny added, 4th picture.)
Hello everyone! These below were stitched for one of my lovely friends across the Atlantic. They all arrived at their destination and were very well received! Which made me really happy!
This 3 owls were one of the projects I needed to complete before starting to work on my personal ones. The owl above is part of an embroidery pattern set by Kimberly Ouimet. The two below are part of an embroidery pattern set by Mollie Johanson. 
There were other goodies accompanying these winged creatures, among which there was a cute little bunny that my oldest daughter stitched. I forgot to take a picture of it :-( , which made me a bit sad since it was the work of my daughters hands and she worked so hard at it, picking out stitches that didn't meet her expectations and redoing them until she was content with the results. In the rush of getting the package ready for the post office, I totally forgot :-(,... but my friend will be sending a picture of it when she's able! Will try to do a continuation to this post in order to add the bunny and keep record of my daughter's work.
Soon I'll send away the last of the completed projects to its forever home, and will post it here once is received. Then I'll be back to posting progress on the Spring Stitching Club english paper pieced hexagon flowers, which by the way I'm already making progress on. Can't wait to show you! Perhaps you already took a peek at it through my instagram ;-). 
On another subject... winter storm Jonas left an unpleasant amount of icy precipitation with a dusting of snow on my neck of the woods. Thankfully we didn't loose power, and it can't be compared with the awful amounts that it left/is leaving the other states further north. If you were on the path of the storm I hope you are warm and safe!!! Until next time!

Here is the bunny my oldest daughter stitched, so thankful that my friend was able to send me a photo of it! As you can see it was stitched on bright green fabric. Pattern is by Lova Handmade.

Non-affiliated links:
First picture owl, Owl pattern by Kimberly Ouimet.
Second & third picture owls, Little Owls by Mollie Johanson
Fourth picture: Bunny by Lova Handmade.

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