Not Enough Time

I'm so happy that my 3 priority projects are almost done!!! Then I can't wait to finish the quilts for my girls and the one for my mom (yes, I'm in the hall of shame), so thankful that my two sisters and older niece are helping me to embroider the blocks!!! 
However, I can't wait to start new projects... so tempted! So much to stitch, so little time. Must exercise self-control. I'm serious this time, unless some of my "on the back burner" projects get finished no new projects will be started. Perhaps that'll be my motivation to work my way up my pile of projects. How do you motivate yourself to work through your projects? 
Until then, sipping on chai while peeking into my books and dreaming with my future projects is totally allowed ;-). 

On another note.... isn't this winter weather a bit "crazy". Supposedly we will be having a couple of days in the 70's (with some rain) this week. Not complaining since I do better with warmer weather, just a bit astounded. 

We don't celebrate the holidays, so I'll be wishing you a beautiful end of December and may you all be in peace with yourselves, your loved ones, and your neighbors! Until January 2016!

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