Well, not much stitching these past few days. However, I do have -among other things- some recent additions to my Japanese embroidery book collection. Here they are!
They are all lovely, but I think that my favorite is the one with 12 brooches on a pink front cover. The patterns in it are small so they are very quick to stitch plus they are lovely!These two above also have lots of small designs, again, great for creating something cute in a short amount of time and still feel accomplished. It's been quite sometime since my last purchase of Japanese embroidery books... guessing I had to make it up for the lost time and that I also figured out (which is really not difficult) how to purchase directly from Amazon Japan... :-), which saved me lots of $$. Must admit that having this kind of knowledge could be very dangerous, you have been forewarned!
Finally, another Japanese embroidery book and Trish Burr's latest embroidery book which I purchase with a nice coupon ;-) from Barnes & Nobles. One day I hope to be able to spend some time learning Trish Burr's technique on needle-painting! Love her work! Maybe next time I'll have some update(s) on my embroidery and/or english paper piecing projects. Until next time!