This block was easy to stitch, the cute factor was motivational! It was completed a week ago.
The above picture shows my work area just 2 pieces away for the Heart block to be completed. (Really liking the Kai Scissors, especially the patchwork and sewing ones!!! More on them later.)
Now there was a little hiccup after hand piecing that middle triangle piece. The right corner was off, so out came my handy seam ripper.
New piece was cut, pinned and hand pieced in place (by the way these Clover Extra-Fine Patchwork pins are much better than regular pins, in my opinion).
Et voilá, magnifique! Like nothing ever happened ;-).
Completed the hand piecing, and finger pressed. Lesson learned, won't be cutting my triangles' corners until done with hand piecing the entire block.
Not bad (if I may say so myself)... for a beginner like me!
A truly enjoyable hand piecing journey with Block No.4 Heart.My needlework is serving as much needed therapy! Moderate costochondritis... not fun, just hopping it doesn't progress to severe as it has in the past.
PS: Just today I was able to completed another block.... can you guess which?
Notes: Non-affiliated links, just for sharing. Pattern draft and tutorial are kindly provided by Wynn at Zakka Art as part of her Hand Sew Along #handsewpatchwork. Inspiration and guidance from Japanese Patchwork book ISBN: 9784863224421.