(picture below: screen shot from Zakka Art blog)
Anyone is welcome to follow along and do all or some of the blocks. It will run for 18 weeks so they'll be 18 blocks, she just posted the 7th block this past Monday. The fact that they are all hand pieced is what got my attention. I took a hand piecing class in 2010 and shortly after I tried hand piecing a block from the Farmer's Wife Quilt book. It's supposed to be a basket block but the handle was a bit challenging so I left it out :-).
(picture below: my Farmer's Wife Quilt book hand pieced basket block)
The inspiration for Wynn's Hand-Sew-Along comes from a Japanese patchwork book. Wynn drafts a block pattern which it's provided about once a week with helpful tips and advice, picture tutorials and even a few short instructional videos. Wynn's very first post regarding this sew along is here in case you like to take a peek and once there you should be able to find all the related posts and block patterns so far.
I haven't made any of the blocks yet but that may change once August is over :-), at least I will like to try hand piecing some of the blocks and sharpen my hand piecing skill(s) which might be a bit rusty. Everything needed are a few basic hand sewing tools/notions, the free block pattern provided, and fabric all of which I already have on hand.
Have you ever done any hand piecing? Like it, hate it or a bit of both? Any tips and advice? Please, do share!